Visit Best Practice classrooms without leaving your school
In Best Practice, we outline the key qualities of great teaching in each major subject area. But showing is always better, right? Hence, these video windows into Best Practice classrooms at work. Harvey Smokey Daniels and Steven Zemelman
What do great teaching and powerful learning look like, sound like, and feel like? Seeing the work in action makes all the difference in understanding how to make it your own. The Best Practice Video Companion takes you into exemplary classrooms where the seven structures for top-quality teaching described in Best Practice support effective instruction and deeper learning every day.
Steven Zemelman and Harvey Smokey Daniels show us that the seven structures work in any context by visiting classrooms across the grades and content areas. You'll see the moves and hear the language of Best Practice teachers as they help students with a wide range of abilities become engaged, insightful learners.
An ideal professional development support for groups studying Best Practice, Fourth Edition, The Best Practice Video Companion
While the Common Core and other standards outline what children are expected to learn, they don't really explain how to get them there. Use The Best Practice Video Companion and see the how for yourself.
Save $ and create powerhouse PD with on a Staff Development Bundle that combines 10 copies of Best Practice with the Best Practice Video Companion.