Reading/writing Connections

By Judith Westphal Irwin, Mary Anne Doyle

Reading/writing Connections
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This book presents an overview of reading/writing research, discussing specific reading/writing processes, instructional issues, teacher research, and directions for future research. Chapter titles are: (1) Alternative Research Perspectives (Sarah J. McCarthey and Taffy E. Raphael); (2) Reading, Writing, and Genre Development (Judith A. Langer); (3) Linguistic Cohesion (Dixie Lee Spiegel); (4) Reading and Writing Stories (Jill Fitzgerald); (5) Summarizing Text (Victoria Chou Hare); (6) The Development of Academic Competence: All Our Children Emerge as Writers and Readers (Elizabeth Sulzby and June Barnhart); (7) Writing to Learn (Richard T. Vacca and Wayne M. Linek); (8) How Reading Model Essays Affects Writers (Peter Smagorinsky); (9) The Motivation to Read and Write (Cheryl L. Spaulding); (10) Children's Book-Selection Strategies (Cheryl Shoesmith Timion); (11) A Special Needs Student in a Reading/Writing Workshop (M. Joan Throne); and (12) Ongoing Research and New Directions (Robert J. Tierney). A study by Judith W. Irwin of reading/writing research (culminating in a list of the best research) from 1900 to 1984 is attached. (RS)

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