If you are, The Shepherd's Tent is a must-read! Don't miss this reflective and personal book that
offers an invitation for you to enter into a divine romance with God.
Men and women, young and old, do everything within their power to achieve fame,
independence, and self-sufficiency-all of which is celebrated in our post-modern society.
Yet when we, in the strength of man, try to build something in opposition to God's original intent,
it is destined for ruin.
Author Mark Casto recounts his own journey of leaving Babylon, which represents the hustle
culture of today that most of us believe will lead to wealth and success. However, after three
years of Mark surrendering to rest in the wilderness, the Lord called him and his wife, Destani
Casto, to establish The Shepherd's Tent in Covington, GA. The Shepherd's Tent is a place for
those who are exiting the systems of religion to find rest in the Presence of Jesus.
The Shepherd's Tent teaches on a myriad of topics. Along the way, you'll learn:
● The dangers of submitting to the hyper-productivity prevalent in society
● How to understand the mystical language of bridal identity
● God's purpose and vision for His Shepherd's tents around the world
● The Source and secret of surrendering to rest
● The cure for a fickle heart
● How to find rest in chaotic circumstances
Plus, you'll find a workbook section at the end of each chapter, providing questions and action
steps that will lead you to encounter the sustaining love of God for yourself.
No matter your current vocation or background, may you find the grace to cast off the yoke of
religion and all of its Babylonian tendencies-to find yourself in a personal revolution of life.
There is a new pace, untethered from time and the opinions of man, for hearing a new sound of
divine romance in the "rhythm of the realm of rest."
Buy a copy of The Shepherd's Tent and you can join the movement of people who are entering
into the rest promised by God.