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In this book we will create an Android Mobile Sales Order Taking where users can create, confirm, delete, update Sales Order and send it to Odoo using it’s XMLRPC interface.
Topics covered in this book are about interfacing the Partner and Sale Order objects. Using the same techniques explained here, you can extend the functionality to interface the other objects to suit your needs.
Setting up the development environment
Installing the XMLRPC Library
Creating Odoo Utility Class
Creating the SharedData Class
Odoo XMLRPC interfacing
Login Activity
Debugging and breakpoints
Main Menu Activity
Customer List activity
Customer Form
Saving customer back to Odoo
Adding new and deleting customer
Sale Order List and FOrm
Sale Order Line List and Form
Saving Sale Order Back to Odoo
Downloading Customer data to SQLite
Using spinner for Customer Field
Date picker
SO Line form using product spinner
Storing SO Line locally
Adding, editing, and deleting SO Line
Saving SO with SO Lines
GPS Access