Postmodernism: Critical texts

By Victor E. Taylor, Charles E. Winquist

Postmodernism: Critical texts
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A four volume collection of reprinted articles and book excerpts covering the critical discussion of postmodernism interdisciplinary as well as in the humanities and social sciences. Vol. 1., "Foundational Essays", centers on the classic themes of knowledge formation language, society and subjectivity. The contributors are among others: Georges Bataille, Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Paul de Man, Jacques Derrida, Ferdinand de Saussure, Julia Kristeva and Maurice Merlau-Ponty. Vol. 2., "Critical Texts" contains texts by Walter Benjamin, Jonathan Culler, Rodolphe Gasché, Jürgen Habermas, Ihab Hassan, Frederic Jameson, Chantal Mouffe, Richard Rorty and others. Vol. 3., "Disciplinary Texts: Humanities and Social Sciences", is divided into the following subsections:"Geography", "History", "Literature", "Philosophy", "Theology", "Culture Studies", "Sociology" and "Women's Studies". It contains contributions by J.B. Harley, Trevor J. Barnes, Hayden White, Stanley Vogel, Michael W. Messmer, Michel Foucault, Gianni Vattimo, Charles E. Winquist, Seyla Benhabib, Hans Bertens, Barry Smart, Diane Elam, Rachel Bowlby and others. Vol. 4., "Legal Studies, Psychoanalytical Studies, Visual Arts and Architecture" is divided into corresponding subsections. The contributros are among others: Jerry D. Leonard, Victor Taylor, Shoshana Felman, Paul Ricoeur, Elisabeth Grosz, Ralph Cohen, Robert Dunn, Andrew Benjamin, Peter Eisenman and Stephen H. Watson

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