Lal Bahadur Shastri
India’s Second Prime Minister
Creator of the timeless ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’
First leader of independent India to Win a major War
A leader who preferred to swim across Ganges rather than accept a free ride
A leader who moved the entire nation to miss a meal rather than beg for food
A leader who taught us to live with dignity and honour.
This book tries to capture the many leadership lessons from Lal Bahadur’s life - whether it is displaying tact amidst turmoil, keeping promises despite trying circumstances or being credible in a world that is full of posturing. The book carries anecdotes encapsulating Lal Bahadur’s childhood, growing up years and political life. The anecdotes are poignantly narrated by his son Anil Shastri. And, brilliantly interpreted by Pavan Choudary. The reader will take home unique and valuable insights. It is Lal Bahadur Shastri like never before.