Home Letters of General Sherman

By William Tecumseh Sherman, Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe

Home Letters of General Sherman
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Ten years after General William Tecumseh Sherman attained the height of his military achievement he published (in 1875) his Memoirs, an outspoken record of his career in peace and war. Ten years later he revised the Memoirs in the light of the abundant comment and criticism which they called forth. When nearly two more decades had passed, one of his children gave the public (in 1904) a liberal portion of the life-long correspondence between the General and his brother, the Hon. John Sherman. Both the Memoirs and the Sherman Letters brought to the readers of such books an animating knowledge of General Sherman as a writer-forcible, individual, fearless, the very counterpart in expression of everything which the history of his country records of him in action.

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