Nursing Care of Children

By Susan Rowen James, Jean Weiler Ashwill, Susan Colvert Droske

Nursing Care of Children
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This concise, student-friendly text is ideal for shorter courses in pediatric nursing. A focus on common and important disorders keeps the material relevant to daily practice. In this 2nd Edition, current issues and trends are addressed through the use of community nursing care plans, expanded health promotion content, and enhanced communication tips.

· A highlighted Clinical Reference section opens each Alterations chapter, providing a review of the relevant body system, a discussion of pediatric differences, and a description of common diagnostic tests.
· Pathophysiology boxes describe how disease conditions develop, providing a scientific basis for understanding the therapeutic management and nursing care of an illness.
· Want to Know boxes guide the student in teaching the parents and child about self-care in the home and follow-up care in community-based health care settings.
· Each chapter opens with Learning Objectives and Definitions and closes with Key Concepts to assist students in focusing their study on important topics and key terms to be gleaned from each chapter.
· Photo Stories provide a visual description of the nursing role in a variety of settings.
· Communication Cues offer students tips and practical examples of communicating with children of all ages as well as with their parents.
· Procedure boxes highlight step-by-step instructions for common nursing tasks to assist students in their clinical practice.
· The Resources for Health Care Providers and Families appendix, organized by topic, identify organizations that provide condition-specific information and support to the health care professional or to parents and children in the community

· Reorganized table of contents condenses and combines material into more logical, streamlined approach, making the textbook more useful to shorter or combined maternity/pediatric courses.
· Health Promotion Boxes outline American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended well-child visits and include growth and development milestones, health screening and immunizations, and anticipatory guidance.
· Pediatric health priorities, as identified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, are highlighted in Healthy People 2010 boxes to assist the student in formulating pediatric health promotion goals.
· Critical to Remember boxes alert the student to important information needed to deliver safe nursing care.
· Critical Thinking Exercises present students with issues and problems in clinical scenarios that challenge the student to apply learning to practice. Suggested answers and rationales appear at the end of the chapter.
· Special Nursing Care Plans guide the student in planning care in the home or community-based health care setting.
· Drug Guides highlight common medications and provide students with a quick reference on nursing implications.

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