Students, residents, and instructors swear by Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil Essentials of Medicine because it presents just the right amount of information, just the right way. Edited by the late Thomas E. Andreoli, MD as well as Ivor Benjamin, MD, Robert C. Griggs, MD, and Edward J. Wing, MD, it focuses on core principles and how they apply to patient care, covering everything you need to know to succeed on a medical rotation or residency. Masterful editing and a user-friendly full-color design make absorbing and retaining information as effortless as possible.
New chapters on "Pre- and Post-Operative Care" and "Palliative Care," plus the integration of molecular biology and other new horizons in medicine, familiarize you with the most current clinical concepts.An expanded International Editorial Board provides increased input from respected practitioners worldwide. Excellent images and clinical photographs vividly illustrate the appearance and clinical features of disease.
Masterful editing and a user-friendly full-color design make absorbing and retaining information as effortless as possible.