Though St. Elizabeth of Hungary lived over 800 years ago, she has a
unique appeal for Christians today. Love, rather than ideology or
politics, was the basis of her whole life.
Born in 1207, the daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary and married
to Ludwig IV, the Landgraf of Thuringia, Elizabeth was a happily married
woman who loved her husband and children. As a lover of the poor, she
not only practiced charity, but protested the injustices practiced
against the poor in the feudal world, even her husband's own policies.
Above all, Elizabeth hungered for God and found him in her everyday
activities as a noblewoman, ruler, wife and mother before she found him
in religious life and service to the poor in imitation of St. Francis.
Originally published in 2007 to coincide with the 800th anniversary
of St. Elizabeth's birth, this life, now revised and expanded, is based
on the most up-to-date research and is accompanied by the testimonies
given at her canonization process, including some that have never before
been translated into English.