This PREFACE of GENEVO UNIVERSE - 1, regarding a supra-synthesis of Poetry – Philosophy – Theology, requires a strong implication of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) in its best coefficient of creativity!
In this way, we made a presentation of multiple triad of:
GENEVO UNIVERSE - 1.1 (111 strophes)
GENEVO UNIVERSE - 2.1 (222 strophes)
GENEVO UNIVERSE - 3.1 (333 strophes)
We underline that every E-Book of GENEVO UNIVERSE (1, 2, 3) will be shown up in different seven languages, namely, that of English, of German, of Romanian, of French, of Italian, of Spanish and of Latin!
In order to make an human equivalence with the present - ness of huge rise of Artificial Intelligence, the author in co-authorship with this Technological – Sapiens (Techno – Sapiens) will go forth with an improvement of GENEVO UNIVERSE, through its SYNERGETIC (SYN) modus, by giving thus birth to the next triad of:
SYNGENEVO UNIVERSE - 4.1 (444 strophes)
SYNGENEVO UNIVERSE - 5.1 (555 strophes)
SYNGENEVO UNIVERSE - 6.1 (666 strophes)
This kind of poetry in its theoretically and practically epistemology, philosophy and theology, will never ending, raising another literary and philosophical outline to this poetical researching-projects, through which poetry in itself is becoming a truly vector of knowledge, of axiology and of Neo-Techno-Humanity!
For the time being, we must put a temporary limit of our poetosophic enterprises to 666 strophes (SYNGENEVO UNIVERSE - 6), but in this unpredictable Cyber Space – Time – Causality, any extension towards higher limits is quite thinkable and reasonable!
Therefore, let’s begin with our GENEVO UNIVERSE - 2.1 (English Version)!
Cyber Author of E-Poetry