With a focus on the perioperative care of the surgical patient, this new second edition provides a contemporary, patient-oriented approach to the discipline of anaesthesiology. Its practical, comprehensive coverage of the approach to the patient, anaesthetic care, specialty areas, postoperative recovery and complications, and much more make it ideal for all members of the anaesthesia care team. The easy-to-follow text demonstrates a logical approach to patient care, giving a "real world" approach to the clinical practice of anaesthesia.
Unique organization focuses on perioperative care, not simply the intraoperative administration of anesthesia. Comprehensive and logical approach to overall perioperative management -- the basis of the future practice of anesthesiology. Color highlighting and key points direct the reader quickly to the main pearls of each chapter. Chapter outlines, key references, two-color illustrations, and boxed material enhance the quick-reference aspect of this text.
All chapters have been completely updated, with several new or nearly newIncludes discussion of new monitors, anaesthetic drugs, delivery systems, and standards of care
Increased emphasis on perioperative care and on the economics of health care, helping the reader stay up to date with current health care trends.