Get this comprehensive guide for managing high blood pressure and all the related diseases that you may be at risk for -- unless you have knowledge beyond what your doctor tells you in the ten-minute consultation he gives you before he writes out another prescription. Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally offers a wide range of alternative approaches to help you stay healthy. These may be approaches your conventionally trained doctor wasn ́t taught in medical school. You will learn approaches supported by thousands of years of use in other societies, and some that have been discovered or refined in the 21st century. When used correctly, they may improve your health--or even save your life--as the better alternative to drugs, surgical intervention and other standard Western techniques. Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally gives you all the basics of enhanced nutrition, detoxification, prevention, treatment, and longevity. If you want solid facts backed up with good scientific research, all collected in one place and easy to understand, check out this new book.
Imagine the feeling of confidence when you can take responsibility for promoting cardiovascular health and be able to eliminate the risk factors for this disease. The concepts and practical tools are from many systems of natural health care that you can utilize at home. Most of all you will learn how these systems only enliven the divine healing intelligence that makes up every cell of your body.
You will learn concepts and techniques from natural health care systems such as: meditation, prayer, visualization exercises, how to eliminate the fear of high blood pressure, Bach Flower Remedies, healing through self love, HeartMath, Cognitive Therapy, dietary supplements, diet, exercise, parasympathetic nervous system breathing techniques, energy healing techniques, acupressure and reflexology, acupuncture, chiropractic, and the politics of health care.