Dear Sparkle

By the Cat Sparkle

Dear Sparkle
Available for 9.95 USD
Sage advice straight from the mouth of the world’s most pointed puss!

--My human is moving in with her boyfriend, so we’ll have to leave our apartment and my perfect birdwatching perch. I need to know how to get rid of him!
--Our ?pet sitter? smells weird. Is there any way to make her less stinky?
--My humans like to sleep when it’s obviously the best time to play! Have any ideas for how to wake them up?

Face it, felines, your humans can’t help you untangle your problems--especially when they’re usually the ones driving you crazy! Never fear, the world’s foremost feline authority Sparkle the Cat is here to solve all of your kitty conundrums. Sparkle can relate to you and your furry friends and offers insight laced with tough love.

With 70 Q&As, ?Sparkle Says? sidebars, and full-color photos throughout, this guide is definitely NOT your usual human-written cat book.

Whether you’re a confused kitty who doesn’t understand why you’re supposed to stay off the couch, a cat who’s furious because the new puppy ate your catnip stash, or a freaked-out feral who wants to return to the wild, Sparkle has the wise--and often hilarious--answers for your woes.

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