Selden accepted the non-biblically rabbinic, externally imposed, coercive Adamic/Noachide precepts as universal laws of perpetual obligation, rejecting his predecessor Hugo Grotius' view of natural law as the innate result of right reason. He employed rhetorical strategies in De Jure Naturali et Gentium (The Law of Nature and of Nations) to prepare his readers for what might otherwise have shocked them. Although Selden was very active in the Long Parliament, his only surviving debates from that decade were as a lay member of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. The Assembly's scribe left so many gaps that the transcript is sometimes indecipherable. This book fills in the gaps and makes the speeches coherent by finding their contexts in Selden's printed works, both the scholarly, as in the massive De Synedriis, but also in the witty and informal Table Talk.