With updates and enhancements to the incredibly successful first edition, Probability and Random Processes for Electrical and Computer Engineers, Second Edition retains the best aspects of the original but offers an even more potent introduction to probability and random variables and processes. Written in a clear, concise style that illustrates the subject’s relevance to a wide range of areas in engineering and physical and computer sciences, this text is organized into two parts. The first focuses on the probability model, random variables and transformations, and inequalities and limit theorems. The second deals with several types of random processes and queuing theory.
New or Updated for the Second Edition:
Each Chapter Contains at Least Two Computer Assignments
Maintaining the simplified, intuitive style that proved effective the first time, this edition integrates corrections and improvements based on feedback from students and teachers. Focused on strengthening the reader’s grasp of underlying mathematical concepts, the book combines an abundance of practical applications, examples, and other tools to simplify unnecessarily difficult solutions to varying engineering problems in communications, signal processing, networks, and associated fields.