Make your studies interactive with "Through the Global Lens: An Introduction to the Social Sciences, Second Edition."
Companion Website(TM) -- In tandem with the text, students can now take full advantage of the Internet to enrich their study of the social sciences. Features of the Website include chapter objectives, study questions, links to "The New York Times" and the "USA Today Census 2000" in addition to other links on the Web that can reinforce and enhance the content of each chapter. Use of the site is free to all students and faculty. Simply visit the Website at http: //
A Prentice Hall Guide to Evaluating Online Resources (available for Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, or Psychology) These guides provide a brief introduction to navigating the Internet, along with references related specifically to each discipline. Also included with each guide is access to ContentSelect(TM). Developed by Prentice Hall and EBSCO, the world leader in online journal subscription management, ContentSelect(TM) is a customized research database for students of sociology. Your choice of one of these guides is free to students when packaged with "Through the Global Lens, Second Edition."