In this guide you will find in each chapter:
In appropriate chapters the references are divided into those for "Empirical Support," those for "Clinical Resources," and those for "Bibliotherapy Resources."
The Facilitator's Guide has brief summaries of the answers to the chapter review questions. The "Chapter Review Test Questions" section contains "test-style" questions that can be asked of participants or taken by them as a self-test. The Facilitator's Guide contains the answers to these questions, which can then be reviewed. The "For Discussion" section offers a selected discussion topic as well as talking points to help facilitate the discussion. This section is designed to offer facilitators the option of exploring a key concept further should he or she desire.
Finally, Chapter Five (“How Do You Integrate ESTs into Treatment Planning?”) contains highlights of the lecture material, summary of treatment plan components, an outline of the EST procedures, transcripts of psychotherapy vignettes that demonstrate ESTs, and critiques of the vignettes. References are also made to homework assignments contained in the Companion Workbook that demonstrate selected therapeutic interventions discussed in the DVD.
Appendix A: Explanations of all correct and incorrect answer options