Are these the end of days? A group of men with extraordinary gift of prophecy seem to think so as they find disturbing correlating signs in the Book of Revelations regarding the current bird flu virus threat. They pin their hopes in young Frances Casey, who has discovered the strategic location of Israel for intercontinental travel for migratory birds. They have helped her set up an important monitoring station there in the hopes of detecting the bird flu virus in these birds before they can spread it to Europe or Africa, where the chances for viral mutation that will set off the next global flu pandemic are so great.
Little do they know that another malevolent group that had discovered an easy way to manufacture tons of the main ingredient to oseltamivir has set out to sabotage Casey's project, fearing her actions may hinder their goal of monetary wealth.
Soon, forces of good and evil will meet in the Holy Land to do final battle in Armageddon, presaging the end of the world. An event that will start.when the sparrows stop singing!