Quotes from the first edition
"I think there is a genuine need for a text like this, and everyone I know who teaches a basic undergraduate family class says that they need a text like this. It′s organized around current issues and changes in the family; it′s ′reader friendly′, grabbing students′ interests; it makes connections between a sociological study of the family and the students′ experiences; and it emphasizes ′diversity′--race, class, gender, and sexual orientation."
-- JUDITH BARKER, Ithaca College
"Never before have I seen a text that offers such a unique and well-rounded view of the complexities of the family."
-- KRISTIN BATES, California State University, San Marcos
" I like Newman′s consistent attempt to connect personal troubles with social issues, a wonderful way to make social science come alive for undergraduates."
-- DANA VANNOY, University of Cincinnati
Sociology of Families, Second Edition, begins at the level of the individual by examining familiar contemporary issues3⁄4 topics students are likely to feel strongly about. David Newman and Liz Grauerholz next show students the deeper and more detailed sociological underpinnings of the issues at hand, using the theories and data of social sciences to understand the meaning and broader relevance of these controversies and experiences.
begins at the level of the individual by examining familiar contemporary issues3⁄4 topics students are likely to feel strongly about. David Newman and Liz Grauerholz next show students the deeper and more detailed sociological underpinnings of the issues at hand, using the theories and data of social sciences to understand the meaning and broader relevance of these controversies and experiences.The book is divided into three parts that are distinct from one another in style, content, and purpose. Part I contains five relatively short essays that cover some of the key controversial topics and questions swirling around the topic of family today. Part II provides students with a peek into the tools, concepts, and theories that sociologists commonly use in understanding society. Part III is organized around important social forces impacting today′s families.New to the Second Edition:
The 3-part organization replaces the 2-part structure of the first edition.