Pam Gems Plays 7

By Pam Gems

Pam Gems Plays 7
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Volume seven of a series of plays written by Pam Gems. The Odd Women, The Amiable Courtship of Miz Venus and Wild Bill, Darling Boy, Cedric and Louise and My Warren.

The Odd Women - a play for the screen by Pam Gems adapted from the novel by George Gissing.

THE AMIABLE COURTSHIP OF MIZ VENUS AND WILD BILL was first presented by Inter-Action and The Women's Theatre Group, at the Almost-Free Theatre, 9, Rupert Street, London W.1, on the 10th of April, 1974. Sometime in the early seventies, I was approached by Ed Berman, artistic director of the Almost-Free Theatre in Rupert Street, W1, to write 'two sexy pieces' for his Fun-Art Bus. The idea was to tour trendy Camden, with performances on the top deck.

Darling Boy - by Pam Gems from the novel 'Chéri' by Colette - The play takes place in Paris in the private apartments of the hotel belonging to Cléa de Lonval, and in the grounds and conservatory of L'Hotel Peloux, owned by Cléa's contemporary, Charlotte Peloux. The time, the Twenties.

CEDRIC & LOUISE was Pam Gems's last full-length play. She wrote it in 2010, when she was eighty-five. Printed here is the second draft, which may be unfinished as she never did less than six drafts of anything. She liked to say: "A play isn't written, it's rewritten and rewritten and rewritten and rewritten."

MY WARREN was first presented on the 5th of March, 1973, by Inter-Action and the Women's Theatre Group at the Almost Free Theatre, starring JANET HENFREY, and directed by SUE PARRISH.

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