An exciting introduction to the principles and applications of microeconomics and macroeconomics to the global business problems faced by today's decision makers
- What are the characteristics for successful entry into new international markets?
- How can 'sustainability' affect decision making within businesses?
- Why are today's global investors so concerned about national debt issues?
- In what ways does an awareness of cultural differences improve decision making by international marketing and human resource strategists?
- What strategies can companies such as BP use to repair damaged global reputations?
'Economics for Business and Management'
- looks at real-life business situations facing decision makers in all the functional areas of finance, marketing, people management and strategy;
- examines the recent credit crunch and financial crises and the effects these are having on global businesses;
- uses concise and up-to-date case studies drawn from many business sectors, including the electronic, financial, energy, transport, publishing, music, retailing and food sectors amongst many others;
- highlights examples from a number of countries, including the new growth economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Korea.
New for this edition
- Provides deeper insights into the causes, consequences and remedies for global financial crises
- Presents many new case studies - social networking, e-books, i-pads, electronic gaming, carbon footprint, flexible working, executive remuneration, intellectual property rights and much more
- Gives many additional and active learning opportunities to self-check your progress throughout the text and on the companion website
Visit the fantastic website at to find extra practice questions, interactive activities, quizzes and exam style practice questions with instant feedback, as well as podcasts, news articles, animated professional power points slides and a testbank of questions.
This is the ideal textbook for students following courses in introductory economics with a business and management focus and more general business environment courses with an economic underpinning.
About the authors
Alan Griffiths is Reader in Economics at the Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University.
Stuart Wall is Professor of Business and Economics Education at the Ashcroft International Business School, Anglia Ruskin University.