Stó:lõ Kindergarten Curriculum

By Margaret Greenwood

Stó:lõ Kindergarten Curriculum
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This book is intended for young people and the young at heart. In this book you will learn about First Nation language and culture. It is for instructional purposes to assist the revitalization of the Halq'emlem language.

Message from the Illustrator

In 1997, Stó:lõ Nation and Chilliwack School District created the First Nations Kindergarten Program at Bernard Elementary. Goals of the program included learning about Sto:lo Culture and incorporating Halq'emélylem language in everyday lessons. Language teachers were recruited from Stó:lõ Shxweli: Eunice Ned, Charlene Thomas, Bibiana Norris, Diana Charlie, Ralph Roberts, Muriel Roberts, Mona Sepass, Christine Sitting-Eagle and Mae Rae are all thanked for the hours they have spent in the classroom. When the program began, there were few Halq'eméylem teaching materials available to the classroom teacher. As such, a number of "home-made" worksheets and picture pages were developed. Under the guidance of Gwen Point these materials grew much larger collection. We attempted to encompass many of the required learning outcomes in these resources. The pages that follow have been in the use in the First Nations Kindergarten at various times throughout the past seven years.

Our collection of materials is divided into ten sections for the ten teaching months (September to June). We have tried to select seasonal themes, which reflect traditional activities. Numerous black line masters are intended for ready classroom use. Worksheets, vocabulary cards, art projects, colouring pages, mini-books and other materials are included. Halq'eméylem and English are emphasised. Appendix is a complete Alphabet book for the child who is ready to begin learning letters.

Thank you to the editing panel for their wise contributions. Dr. Elizabeth Herrling-Elder/Mentor who has provided the Halq'eméylem translations. Thelma Wenman, who has coordinated the workers who could complete this work. Diana Charlie organized and translated much of the work. Thank you to all of the elders who have worked tirelessly to preserve the Sto:l&otidle; Halq'eméylem Language. Thank you to Barry Harmon, School Principal, for his continued support. Thank you to Michael Audet for his continued finanacial support. Without their support this work would not have been possible.

Yálh yuxw kw'as hó:y

Margaret Greenwood, Artist of all the work included in the book
Kindergarten Teacher - Sardis Elementary School

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