THE INIMITABLE JEEVES:- is the first of the Jeeves novels written by P.G. Wodehouse. This was the second collection of Jeeves stories, after My Man Jeeves. Often touted as a classic collection of stories, it contains some of the funniest episodes in the life of Bertie Wooster, gentleman, and Jeeves, his gentlemans gentleman. Through characters like Bertie Wooster, Jeeves, Bingo Little, Mabel, Mortimer Little and Jane Watson, Wodehouse succeeds in creating an idyllic world. Gods in his heaven and alls right with the world thats what Wooster thinks but things start going wrong. Bingo Little, needs Bertie to put in a good word for him with his uncle. Bingo is in love with Mabel, a waitress, but fears his uncle wont approve of her. Jeeves suggests a plan using romance novels to sway Bingos uncle.
This fictionalized account carried 11 previously published stories to make it a book of 18 chapters. All of the short stories involve Bingo Little, who is always falling in love.