Eagle County Colorado Fishing & Floating Guide Book

By Jim Maccracken

Eagle County Colorado Fishing & Floating Guide Book
Available for 24.95 USD
Eagle County Colorado Fishing & Floating Guide Book 

 Over 1655 full 8 ½ x 11 sized pages of information with maps and aerial photographs available.  Fishing information is included for ALL of the county’s public ponds and lakes, listing types of fish for each pond or lake, average sizes, and exact locations with GPS coordinates and directions.  Also included is fishing information for most of the streams and rivers including access points and public areas with road contact and crossing points and also includes fish types and average sizes.  


NEW NEW Now with a complete set of  37 full sized U.S.G.S. Topographical Maps for the entire county that normally cost from $12.00 to $14.00 each but are included on the disk for FREE.   These maps are complete full sized 7.5 minute series quadrangle maps in 1:24,000 scale maps.



Contains complete information on


Abrams Creek

Antones Cabin Creek

Antones Cabin Lake

Avon Park Lake

Barry Creek

Beaver Creek ,

Beaver Dam Lake

Beaver Lake

Big Alkali Creek

Big Hole Creek

Big Lake

Big Pine Lake

Big Spruce Lake

Bighorn Creek

Black Lake

Blodgett Lake

Blue Lake

Blue Lakes

Boot Lake

Booth Creek

Booth Lake

Borah Lake

Brady Lake

Brush Creeks

Buffalo Lake

Camp Hale Pond

Carter Lake

Castle Creek Ponds

Catamount Creek

Cataract Creek

Cattle Creek

Cherry Lake

Christine Lake

Cleveland Lake

Colorado River

Constantine Lake

Cross Creeks

Deep Creek

Deluge Creek

Deluge Lake

Derby Creeks

Eagle Lake

Eagle River

Eagle River East For

Eagle River West Fork

Egeria Creek

Elk Creek

Fairview Lake

Fall Creek

Fancy Creek

Fancy Lake

French Creek

Fryingpan Rivers

Fulford Cave Lake

Game Creek

Gold Dust Lakes

Gore Creeks

Gore Lakes

Grouse Creeks

Grouse Lake

Gypsum Creek

Gypsum Ponds

Halfmoon Lake

Harvey Lakes

Hat Creek

Homestake Creeks

Homestake Reservoir

Horseshoe Lakes

Hunky Dory Lake

Indian Creek

June Creek

Lake Charles

Lake Creeks

Lake Ester

Lake Thomas

Lava Creek

Lava Lake


Leeman Lakes

Lily Lake

Lime Creek

Lime Creek # 2

Lone Lick Creek

Lone Lick Lakes

Lost Lake #1

Lost Lake #2

Lost Lakes

Lost Lakes Creek

Meadow Creeks

Middle Lake

Mill Creek

Miller Creek

Missouri Creek

Missouri Lakes

Mitchell Creek

Muckey Lake

Muddy Creek

Mulhall Lakes

Mystic Island Lake

New York Lake

Nolan Creek

Nolan Lake

Norman Creek

Olsen Lake

Patricia Lake

Piney Lake

Piney River (WFF)

Pitkin Creek

Pitkin Lake

Polk Creek

Raggeds Lake

Red Canyon Creeks

Red Creek

Red Dirt Creeks

Red Lake

Red Sandstone Creeks

Resolution Creek

Rim Lake

Seven Sisters Lakes

Shepard Lake

Shingle Lake

Slide Lake

Soda Creek

Soda Lakes

Sopris Creek # 1

Sopris Creeks

Sopris Lake

Sourdough Lake

Squaw Creek

Strawberry Lakes

Sugarloaf Lake

Sunnyside Creek

Sweetwater Creek

Sylvan Lake

Tellurium Lake

Three Licks Creek

Three Licks Lakes

Toner Creek

Treasure Vault Lake

Tuhare Lakes

Turkey Creek

Turquoise Lakes

Two Elk Creek

Waterdog Lake

Wearyman Creek

Whitney Lakes


(*) are floatable or canoeable rivers)






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