
By John Warwick Montgomery

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From the author’s Introduction:

As this book’s subtitle has it, it’s a “potpourri.” That expression can be defined as “a mixture of dried petals and spices placed in a bowl to perfume a room.” But, having just published—at New Reformation Press—a little culinary masterpiece (A Gastronomic Vade-Mecum), I am thinking in terms of the secondary definition: “an unusual or interesting mixture of ingredients.” Either way, you will surely enjoy this collection of essays. They are unusual and interesting—and they will perfume your thinking as to ultimate issues.

A sampling of essays in the present collection:

• Resurrection and Legal Evidence

• Did Jesus Physically Rise from the Dead?

• Chronological Contradictions in the Gospels?

• A More Consistent Application of Literary “Higher Criticism”

• A Short and Easie Method with Postmodernists

• Law & Morality: Friends or Foes?

• Demon Possession: A Brief Commentary

• Transhumanism?

• Muslims As Two-Faced

• The Stereotypic Clergyman

• On Innovative Theologians

• Racism in American Lutheranism

• Do Christian Children lose Contact with Reality?

• Those Who Have Not Heard the Gospel: A Construct

• Terrorism and Revolution: Are They Ever Justified?

Professor Montgomery, who is an American, British, and French citizen and who resides in Strasbourg, France, is a polymath, the author of more than 60 books in 5 languages, and a world-renowned defender of classic Christian faith. His credentials include:

• Ph.D. (U. Chicago), D.Théol. (U. Strasbourg, France), LL.D. (Cardiff U., Wales), plus 8 other academic degrees.

• Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedfordshire (U.K.); Distinguished Professor-at-Large, 1517: The Legacy Project (California, U.S.A.); Director, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights (Strasbourg, France).

• Barrister-at-Law (England and Wales); Avocat à la Cour (Paris); Member of the California, District of Columbia, Virginia, and Washington State bars, and the bar of the Supreme Court of

the United States; Certified Fraud Examiner.

• Honorary Chairman, Academic Board, International Institute for Religious Freedom, World Evangelical Fellowship.


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