Real World QuarkXPress 5

By David Blatner

Real World QuarkXPress 5
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David Blatner's friendly, easy-to-read style has turned this book (formerly known as The QuarkXPress Book) into the world's number-one best-selling reference on QuarkXPress. At many design firms and schools it's considered required reading. If you're a beginner,this book will help you get up to speed fast. And if you're an advanced user, Blatner's tips,tricks,and techniques will turn you into a raging, inexorable QuarkXPress speed demon.

When you buy this book, you also get access to the members-only Real World QuarkXPress Web site, where you can find the hottest tips, latest updates,and coolest downloads.

Real World QuarkXPress 5 offers a collection of tips and tricks, a full overview of the program, and in-depth discussions of core concepts behind using QuarkXPress in the real world of deadlines and production workflow. David Blatner begins with a 30 minute step-by-step beginners guide to learning QuarkXPress. From there, readers will learn about the structure of Quark from the ground up. Topics covered include: Quark basics (working with menus, palettes, and dialog boxes), building a document; creating and exporting HTML Web pages, including interactive rollovers; building tables with the new Table tool; managing the Layers palette; assigning hyperlinks; collecting fonts and color profiles; working with character styles; and extending Quark's power and flexibility by using AppleScripts.

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