Peer Interventions for Health and Wellbeing

By Keith James Topping

Peer Interventions for Health and Wellbeing
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This book introduces peer interventions (primarily peer education, peer counselling and peer support) for the positive promotion of health and well-being as alternative or parallel methods to traditional clinical processes for reaching hard-to-access populations. It is strongly evidence-based, with chapters discussing reviews of the evidence, followed by important papers with key messages for implementation. Furthermore, it describes implementation and evaluation procedures, both in resource-rich environments and in developing countries.

Key Features:

  • Bridges the traditional gap between professional clinical advice and the "real world", reaching where professionals cannot go
  • Brings together information about those interventions that are well evidenced
  • Distils information about how to implement interventions for medical professionals and paraprofessionals and charitable agencies and researchers
  • Presents a fine balance between research and implementation, with evidence-driven guidance

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