For thirty years, Gary Decker served his community in a wide variety of roles in the military and law-enforcement fields. With Crimes, Confessions, and Convictions, he invites you into the gritty, dangerous, and often rewarding world of professional law enforcement. His passion for helping others came with a grave cost, and he was pulled into a world more sinister, evil, and dangerous than most civilians would ever dare to believe. Here he shares some of the more remarkable experiences of his career:
A friends betrayal leads to torture, mutilation, and murderand the truth was only revealed though Garys exhaustive investigation. The hidden evil of child molesters is one of the most chilling challenges an officer can faceand he explains why. The pursuit and capture of a serial rapist who preyed on his community for a decade was a challenge that no officer could ignore.Beneath the calm surface most people see when they encounter a police officer lies the true cost of this career path. The emotional drain and constant stresses police officers face can be soul crushing. But through the camaraderie and support of family and fellow officers, it can be one of the most rewarding careers today.
Crimes, Confessions, and Convictions shares the truth about what its like to serve and protectand why most officers have a warped sense of humor.