A step-by-step guide for successfully writing and self-publishing lesbian, Sapphic, WLW, queer, and other fun fiction!
Write and self-publish your novel in e-book, print, and audiobook formats. I can show you how.
I’m an award-winning bestselling lesbian fiction author, and I’ve been writing and self-publishing fiction since 2014. I’ve learned a lot on this journey, and I’ve put it all in this book including:
*Publishing your book for little or no money
*How to make money from your novel
*Why self-publishing is a great option for those who write lesbian, Sapphic, WLW, or queer fiction
*Tips for completing your novel and becoming a better writer
*How to work with editors and cover designers
*Formatting your book and getting it ready to publish
*Mastering marketing even if you hate it
*Navigating the growing list of publishing platforms available for self-published authors
*How to get your book into bookstores
I have been self-publishing lesbian fiction since 2014. I write cozy paranormal mystery, lesbian romance, science fiction, and young adult stories. Before turning my hand to fiction, I was a newspaper reporter for many years, and I have the paper cuts to prove it. I have won many writing awards including a Goldie from the Golden Crown Literary Society for fiction and a Peter Lisagor Award from the Chicago Headline Club for journalism. I am a lesbian in an interracial same-sex marriage living in the Midwest.
Topics: Creativity self help, authorship/business aspects, LGBTQ+ studies, lesbian studies, authorship, writing lesbian fiction, marketing lesbian fiction, making money from writing, making money from publishing, editing revising, e-book formatting, paperback formatting, hardcover formatting, feminism, lesfic, sapphic, sapphlit, wlw, gay fiction, lesbian novels, queer books, lesbian, LGBTQ+, queer, bisexual, transgender, pride, cover design, pull marketing, push marketing, publishing platforms, pride, romance fiction, genre fiction