Pendidikan karakter anti korupsi

By Ratna Novita Punggeti, Miptah Parid, M.Pd, Dasep Supriatna, Junaidi, Jakaria Umro, M.Pd.I, Dr. Jaenullah, M.Pd, Dr. (Cand) Andi Muspida, SS.,M.S.P.,M. Pd.IAP.,CPMP.,CPSP.,C.SKK.,C.SI.,C.Neo Mg.C.Me, CNLPTc, CHTc,CLAP, Moh Yasin, Mas Fierna Janvierna Lusie Putri, S. Pd., M. Pd

Pendidikan karakter anti korupsi
Available for 3.1 USD

Anti-Corruption Character Education Book” is a guide that combines character education with efforts to prevent corruption. The author discusses the importance of building strong character and high integrity in order to fight destructive corrupt practices.

In this book, readers will be guided through anti-corruption values, the causes and impacts of corruption. Apart from that, this book also highlights the important role of educational institutions in forming an anti-corruption character in the younger generation. Through a holistic and practical approach, readers are invited to understand that preventing corruption is not only the responsibility of the government or anti-corruption institutions, but is also a shared responsibility of all levels of society.

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