Foundations of College Chemistry, International Adaptation

By Morris Hein, Susan Arena, Cary Willard

Foundations of College Chemistry, International Adaptation
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Foundations of College Chemistry, 16th edition presents chemistry as a modern, vital subject and is designed to make introductory chemistry accessible to all beginning students. It is intended for students who have never taken a chemistry course or those who had a significant interruption in their studies but plan to continue with the general chemistry sequence. The central focus is to make chemistry interesting and understandable and teach students the problem-solving skills they will need.

This International Adaptation offers new and updated content with improved presentation of all course material. It builds on the strengths of previous editions, including clear explanations and step-by-step problem solving. The material emphasizes real-world applications of chemistry as the authors develop the principles that form the foundation for the further study of chemistry. There is new and expanded coverage of polarizing power and polarizability - Fajans' rules, collision number and mean free path, abnormal molecular masses and van't Hoff factor, and applications of radioactivity.

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