World History

By Jean Caldwell, James Clark, Walter Herscher

World History
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This book opens with an exploration of the first economic revolution, which set the stage for the dramatic unfolding of the role economics has played in world history. The lessons focus on two topics: (1) why some economies grew and prospered while others remained stagnant or declined; and (2) what causes people to make choices that help or hinder economic growth. The set of 12 lessons include: (1) "The First Economic Revolution"; (2) "Making Clothes and Houses Out of Wheat"; (3) "Trade in Africa, 9th to 12th Centuries A.D."; (4) "How Did the Black Death Raise Living Standards in Europe?"; (5) "Why Didn't China Discover the New World?"; (6) "The Decline of Spain"; (7) "The Great Tulip Boom"; (8) "Adam Smith and the Market Economy"; (9) "The Industrial Revolution"; (10) "How the Industrial Revolution Raised Living Standards"; (11) "Japan's Economic Miracle"; and (12) "The Fall of Communism." Each lesson includes core concepts, objectives, materials needed, a lesson description, procedures, and suggested evaluation. The volume concludes with sample test questions for each lesson. (EH)

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