How Christians can guard their own minds against the lies that surround us and defend truth and clarity to a world that rejects both.
By accurately describing the Culture of Confusion, the rise of the "post-truth" mindset, and how it has affected our society, author Abdu Murray will awaken you and your group to the plight we find ourselves in and challenge Christians to steer away from contributing to such a culture by instead finding hope in the clarity that Christ offers.
In this eight-session, video-based study (DVD/streaming video sold separately) is designed to take you deeper into the topic of meaning and clarity through personal reflection and Scripture engagement and will:
Increasingly, Western culture embraces confusion as a virtue and decries certainty as a sin. Those who are confused about morality are progressive pioneers. Those who are confused about spirituality are praised as tolerant. And those who express certainty about any of these issues are seen as bigoted, oppressive, or intolerant.
For individuals or groups who feel like they're enmeshed in the culture of confusion, the Saving Truth Study Guide sheds light on the way to see through the fog that surrounds us--by seeing Jesus and his message as the fixed point of reference that we so desperately need.
This study guide has everything you need for a full personal or group experience.
Sessions and video run times:
1 - The Blossoming of the Culture of Confusion (19 min)
2 - Confusion and the Church: Seductions of a Post-Truth Mindset (22 min)
3 - Confusion's Consequences - Getting Freedom Wrong (18 min)
4 - Clarity about Freedom (19 min)
5 - Clarity about Human Dignity (22 min)
6 - Clarity about Sexuality, Gender, and Identity (37 min)
7 - Clarity about Science and Faith (27 min)
8 - Clarity about Religious Pluralism (25 min)
9 - The Son through Fog: Clarity's Hope (14 min)
Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after [insert 5 years after OSD]. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.