The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting

By M. Novello, Santiago E. Perez Bergliaffa, Remo Ruffini

The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
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Chaos in general relativity and cosmology. Stochastic stabilization of the cosmic microwave background radiation / Carl P. Dettmann, Jon P. Keating and Sandra D. Prado. Mixmaster chaos via the invariant measure / Giovanni Imponente and Giovanni Montani. Covariant Lyapunov exponents for the Mixmaster / Giovanni Imponente and Giovanni Montani. Chaos and universality in the dynamics of inflationary models / H.P. de Oliveira, Ivano Damiao Soares and E.V. Tonini. On the role of the entangled states in the properties of cosmic microwave background radiation / H. Kuloghlian. Nonlinear decay of the inflaton, turbulence and thermalization / Henrique Pereira de Oliveira and Ivano Damiao Soares. Nonlinear resonance of KAM tori in inflationary cosmologies / N.A. Lemos [und weitere]. Noise and dissipation during preheating / Sergio E. Joras and Rudnei O. Ramos. Chaos in a closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe : an imaginary approach / Sergio E. Joras and Terezinha J. Stuchi. Chaos of Yang-Mills field in Bianchi spacetimes / Yoshida Jin and Kei-Ichi Maeda -- Einstein-Maxwell systems. Electrovacuum static relativistic thin disks with nonzero radial pressure / Gonzalo Garcia R. and Guillermo A. Gonzalez -- Inertial Forces, rotation, complex and twistor methods in general relativity. Gravitomagnetic measurement of the angular momentum of celestial bodies / Angelo Tartaglia and Matteo Luca Ruggiero. Inertial forces in relativity / Donato Bini and Robert T. Jantzen. Action principle formulation for motion of extended bodies in general relativity / Jeeva Anandan, Naresh Dadhich and Parampreet Singh. Vorticity and kinks / Tina A. Harriott and J.G. Williams -- Wormholes, energy conditions and time machines. Comments on the allowed spatial distributions of negative energy / L.H. Ford, Adam D. Helfer and Thomas A. Roman. Temperature of wormhole with exotic matter / Soon-Tae Hong and Sung-Won Kim. Some thoughts on energy conditions and wormholes / Thomas A. Roman -- Exact solutions (mathematical aspects). What does a dynamical magnetic monopole do? / Gyula Fodor and Istvan Racz. New euclidon method of generating stationary vacuum Einstein fields / Ts. I. Gutsunaev and A.A. Shaideman. Gauge fields and particle-like formations associated with shear-free congruences / Vladimir V. Kassandrov and Vladimir N. Trishin -- Exact solutions (physical aspects). Scalar and spinor perturbation to the most generalised Kerr-NUT space-time / Banibrata Mukhopadhyay and Naresh Dadhich. Stationary non-circular spacetimes / Cuauhtemoc Campuzano, Alberto A. Garcia and Eloy Ayon-Beato. Definition and classification of singularities in GR : classical and quantum / Deborah A. Konkowski and Thomas M. Helliwell. Kerr-Newman solution and spin 1/2 / Hector Ivan Arcos Velasco and Jose Geraldo Pereira. Kinematic self-similar solutions and their properties / Hideki Maeda [und weitere]. The Newtonian limit of spacetimes describing uniformly accelerated particles / Ruth Lazkoz and Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon. Rotating cosmological models of Bianchi type V / Michael Bradley and Daniel Eriksson. False vacuum lumps with the fermionic core / Yutaka Hosotani and Ramin G. Daghigh -- Resonant detectors of gravitational waves : bars and spheres. The Brazilian spherical detector : status report / O.D. Aguiar. EXPLORER and NAUTILUS : present status / P. Astone [und weitere]. A mathematical model for the quadrupolar oscillations of the Brazilian gravitational wave detector / Cesar A. Costa, O.D. Aguiar and Nadja S. Magalhaes. Can black hole MACHO binaries be detected by the Brazilian spherical antenna? / J.C.N. de Araujo [und weitere]. The vibration isolation design for the transducers cabling of the Schenberg detector / Jose L. Melo [und weitere]. Superconductor reentrant cavities for the parametric transducers of the Brazilian Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector / Kilder L. Ribeiro [und weitere]. Distribution of the energy of cosmic ray particles in the modes of a spherical gravitational wave antenna / Rubens M. Marinho Jr. [und weitere] -- Gravitational wave laser interferometry

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