By Philippe Bordeyne, Vincenzo Rosito, Gilfredo Marengo, Waldecir Gonzaga, Orani João Tempesta, Cist. O., Maria Clara Bingemer Lucchetti, Peter Casarella, Eduardo Carlos Ferré, José Tolentino De Mendonça, Isabella Guanzini
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Philippe Bordeyne – Waldecir Gonzaga, Joie et fraternité: semences et premiers fruits du pontificat de François / Joy and Fraternity: the Seeds and First Fruits of Francis’ Pontificate Card. Orani João Tempesta, O. Cist., Saluto I opening words marIa clara lucchETTI BInGEmEr, alegría y fraternidad: ejes de una santidad humanizadora / Joy and Fraternity: axes of a humanising holiness Peter Casarella, alegría y fraternidad, factores de renovación para una iglesia mundial / Joy and Fellowship, Factors of renewal for a World church Carlos Eduardo Ferré, la familia come sujeto social y político y su rol en espacio público. una visión desde el pensamiento social de la igle- sia / The Family as a Social and Political Subject and its role in Public Space. a Wiew from the Social Thought of the church Card. José Tolentino De Mendonça, Saluto I opening words Gilfredo Marengo, Trasformazione missionaria della chiesa: una rin- novata recezione del Vaticano II / missionary Transformation of the church: a renewed reception of Vatican II Isabella Guanzini, la gioia di credere: dire dio nel “cambiamento d’epo- ca” / The Joy of Believing: Saying God in the “change of age” Vincenzo Rosito, la fraternità tra ecclesiologia politica e innovazione so- ciale / Fraternity between Political Ecclesiology and Social Innovation Indice dell’annata