With its unique blend of evolutionary theory, populationgenetics and behavioral ecology, How Humans Evolvedprovides students with the most contemporary and completeintroduction to physical anthropology available. Robert Boyd andJoan B. Silk?s modern presentation of genetics and observablebehaviors in living humans and non-human primates moves beyondmerely describing anthropological finds to showing students the?big picture? ideas behind human evolution.
For the Fifth Edition, Boyd and Silk have updated the text toinclude the best of current research in the areas of genetics,behavior and the fossil record that conveys the excitement ofanthropological discovery. This new coverage reflects strengthenedcoverage of molecular genetics and a streamlined presentation ofprimatology.
FeaturesUp-to-date, withforward-looking content
How Humans Evolved weaves the best of current researchwith classic material in a way students find accessible andcompelling. For the Fifth Edition, Boyd and Silk have streamlinedthe coverage of primatology in Part II: Primate Ecology andBehavior. They have also strengthened the coverage of moleculargenetics to include new content reflecting the growing importanceof genetics to anthropological research.
A focus on behavioralecologyHow Humans Evolved focuses on the science behind whatwe know about human evolution by examining the connection betweengenetics and observable behavior in living humans and primates.Specifically:
With its unique blend of evolutionary theory, populationgenetics and behavioral ecology, How Humans Evolvedprovides students with the most contemporary and completeintroduction to physical anthropology available. Robert Boyd andJoan B. Silk's modern presentation of genetics and observablebehaviors in living humans and non-human primates moves beyondmerely describing anthropological finds to showing students the'big picture' ideas behind human evolution.
For the Fifth Edition, Boyd and Silk have updated the text toinclude the best of current research in the areas of genetics,behavior and the fossil record that conveys the excitement ofanthropological discovery. This new coverage reflects strengthenedcoverage of molecular genetics and a streamlined presentation ofprimatology.