Glossary of Botanical Terms Commonly Used in Range Research

By Annie Murray Hannay, Glen Blaine Ramsey, Guy Ervin, Harry Lawrence Wilson, Hazel Katherine Stiebeling, Paul Goodwin Redington, Robert William Ayres, Ruric Creegan Roark, Wilbur August Gersdorff, Charles Sterling Trimble, George Konrad Karl Link, Miriam Birdseye, Stanley Paul Young, W. I. Hutchinson

Glossary of Botanical Terms Commonly Used in Range Research
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As an institution the Weather Bureau exhibits the growth and development of meteorology and its practical application through the medium of the electric telegraph, radio, and other forms of communication, in the performance of a systematic and continuous service to the public and In the interest of agriculture, commerce, and navigation. The invention of the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, and other meteorological instruments enabled accurate observations of atmospheric phenomena to be made, from the study of which some of the laws that govern the changes therein have been deduced.