Can a fantastic tax-prep guide actually make doing your taxes fun? Probably not, but you'll have a lot more fun doing your taxes with the help of Taxes 2008 For Dummies than you would without it.
This uncommonly friendly tax guide weaves you through the tax-filing maze, walking you line by line through the most common forms for fast, easy filing. Fully updated for 2008, including details on Alternative Minimum Tax relief, enhanced child tax benefits, and deductibility of mortgage insurance premiums, this indispensable handbook also a new list of wise end-of-year moneysaving tax moves. You’ll discover how to:
Complete with four Top Ten tip lists covering audit avoidance, finding overlooked tax-reduction opportunities, interview questions for tax advisers, and special tax issues for military families, Taxes 2008 For Dummies may not make you laugh while your filling out your tax forms, but you'll smile when your done.