About the book
The book is a compact and authoritative study of the female characters in Deshpande's novels from psychoanalytical point of view using mainly Karen Horney's theory of neurosis and the theories of a few other Western feminist theorists and feminist psychoanalysts such as Carol Gilligan, Virginia Woolf, Nancy Chodorow, Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, Juliet Mitchell, Luce Irigaray, Helene Cixous and Julia Kristeva. These theories attempt to trace the causes of conflicts and neuroses in women, their coping strategies, their self-analyses and their journey towards reconciliation when they start articulating their individual urge and asserting their selves not only as daughters, wives and mothers but also as autonomous and self-actualized women.
Thorough in content, stimulating in approach, here is an invaluable companion to Deshpande's texts.