Proceedings of 2009 GeoHunan International Conference, Challenges and Recent Advances in Pavement Technologies and Transportation Geotechnics, held in Changsha, Hunan, China, August 3-6, 2009. Hosted by Changsha University of Science and Technology, China. Sponsored by Geo-Institute of ASCE, USA; Asphalt Institute, USA; Central South University, China; Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering, Taiwan; Chongqing Jiaotong University, China; Deep Foundation Institute, USA; Federal Highway Administration, USA; Hunan University, China; International Society for Asphalt Pavements, USA; Jiangsu Transportation Research Institute, China; Korean Institute of Construction Technology, Korea; Korean Society of Road Engineers, Korea; Texas Department of Transportation, USA; Texas Transportation Institute, USA; and Transportation Research Board, USA
This Geotechnical Special Publication contains 26 peer-reviewed papers showcasing recent developments and advancements in geotechnical and pavement engineering and offering insights into future directions for geoengineering in the 21st century.
GSP 191 covers advances in roadway and pavement maintenance and management. The papers in this volume gracefully balance theoretical analyses and practical applications. The five major topics analyzed include:
This publication will be valuable to pavement engineers, researchers, and practitioners in providing improved road pavement infrastructure. Geotechnical professors and students, design engineers, contractors, and others involved in geotechnical engineering will also benefit.