ou could say man into wolf and wolf into man got blasted into existence. You could also say the Tasmanian Aborigines and the Tasmanian Wolf got blasted out of existence. It’s called extinction and it lasts forever and, when Ihe the wolfman did the sums of early Tasmania, it all added up. This was except for one thing… the existence of the truly last Thylacine Wolf hiding out somewhere life-giving and life-preserving from the ever-hunters and the always-killers.
This made it all the more urgent for Ihe to find the great beast first, in order to brace up its unique animal-kind courage before they tracked it down. They are always tracking it down. But Ihe was Man and also Wolf, as one, and he was on the scent too… that for every eye done to extinction was a human hunter’s eye and for every done-in eye tooth was a human hunter’s tooth. And for flesh, what better than human flesh?
But first, there was his famous arch-enemy to hunt down and run from, both.
It was bad enough when he planted his foot in the wrong place and the Army’s report about it concluding: ‘In any hairy situations, this will undoubtedly change how he gets a lot of looks’. But what would the Army know about the trauma that transmogrifies?
It’s always been nits or nothing with him, anyhow.
It’s just that Ihe the wolfman didn’t want to end up like the presumed last Tasmanian Wolf hanging from a rafter. That great shame.