Dynamics and Global Gravity Law

By José Tiberius

Dynamics and Global Gravity Law
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This book includes volumes III and IV of Global Physics, an intuitive interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity.

Global Dynamics develops the Global Mechanics' model about the structure of matter for the relations between mass and movement and its variation or acceleration.

According to the ancient Physics of the Greeks, the natural state of bodies was to be at rest. In Classic Dynamics, Newton’s Laws provided the causes for being at rest and quantifying motion, such as in the free fall of bodies.

The theories of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics have developed Newton's kinematics of movement. They describe motion but not the causes for it, just its mathematical representation.

Finally, Global Dynamics explains the physical causes of motion of mass and its medium support the Global Aether –string, gravitons, o space-time if you prefer–, which perfect elasticity is responsible for uniform motion.

The Global Gravity Law deserves special mention for providing a simple and intuitive explanation for the decisive “predictions” of General Relativity employing a small adjustment to Newton’s Law of Gravity.

The most impressive is the anomalous precession of the perihelion of Mercury. The deviation is due to the excess of gravity force concerning Newtonian law. This excess comes from the equivalent mass of kinetic energy, which integrates with Mercury and receives twice the attraction.

Besides, the book also includes the GigaChron experiment, G * g = c² * h * R * n, where n=1

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