Cell Biology, Genetics, & Biochemistry of Pre-Clinical Students provides undergraduate medical students with core understanding in genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry. Cell Biology is the study of one of biology’s most basic and intricate structures: the cell. The cell is the fundamental unit of life, with all structural and functional qualities necessary for survival. The book is organised into ten chapters, starting with the origins of biological systems & finishing with instruments for studying cells. We’ve done our best to include most current data. The quantity of images in each chapter is sufficient.
This book can be used as a reference for anyone interested in learning the foundations of cell biology, specifically the origin, organisation, and functions of subcellular components and cell types, or it can be used as a basic textbook for students studying molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, agriculture, and biotechnology. This book also provides deep analysis of mendelian genetics and his experiments with including genetic engineering and biotechnolgy.
The study of genetics, sometimes referred to as “Science of Heredity”, focusses on biological information and how it is passed down through successive generations and how it is employed. Three primary subfields of genetics research exist: population genetics, molecular genetics, & transmission genetics. The main topic of discussion in this introductory course is Transmission, often known as Classical Genetics, which addresses the fundamentals of heredity and the methods by which characteristics are handed down from one generation to the next. Since Gregor Mendel’s work is essential to Transmission Genetics, a discussion of his groundbreaking work and Mendel’s Laws as they apply to inheritance takes place. The organisation of genes on chromosomes, physical mapping of genes, and the connection among chromosomes and heredity are among the other facets of classical genetics that are discussed.