Global Peace Operations Review - Annual Compilation 2015

By Center on International Cooperation (New York University), Jim Della-Giacoma, Alexandra Novosseloff, Richard Gowan, Alischa Kugel, Nora Gordon, Jean Arnault, W. P. S. Sidhu, Center on International Cooperation, Sarah Hearn, Sarah Cliffe, Barnett Rubin, Anne Marie Goetz, Rob Jenkins, Karin Landgren, John Karlsrud, James Traub, Yf Reykers, Peter Nadin, Edward Burke, Bart M. J. Szewczyk, Teresa Whitfield, Séverine Autesserre, Joachim Koops, Paul D. Williams, Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Tamrat Samuel

Global Peace Operations Review - Annual Compilation 2015
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The Global Peace Operations Review is an interactive web-portal presenting in-depth analysis and detailed data on military peacekeeping operations and civilian-led political missions by the United Nations, regional organizations, and ad-hoc coalitions. The web-portal is a product of the New York University Center on International Cooperation (CIC) and a continuation of its long-standing print publications the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations and the Review of Political Missions. For almost a decade, the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations (ARGPO) was the flagship publication of the Center on International Cooperation (CIC). During that time, CIC also released three editions of the Review of Political Missions. Together, they set the standard for analyzing UN and non-UN peace operations with enduring thematic essays, thorough country profiles, and detailed mission data.This publication represents our desire to get the Peace Operations analysis and data into the hands of a wider range of policymakers. We wanted to reach those serving in peace operations in the field, and, most importantly, the citizens of those countries that rely on peace operations for their security.