Now in its third edition, Calvert's Descriptive Phonetics is more lively and
up-to-date than ever. This edition retains the focus and clinical applicability
of previous editions, while adding new information, examples, and exercises to
enhance student understanding.
Ideal for either a one- or two-semester course, Calvert's Descriptive Phonetics encompasses the broad
range of introductory topics, such as basic consonant and vowel transcription,
narrow transcription, suprasegmental features, and dialect variations. The
accompanying Descriptive Phonetics Transcription Workbook, includes numerous
listening and transcription exercises as well as a CD-ROM to facilitate practice
outside the classroom.
Highlights of this revised edition:
Coupled with its state-of-the-art workbook, Calvert's Descriptive Phonetics streamlines learning
and facilitates subject mastery. It is an effective teaching tool and a valuable
resource, providing all the necessary tools to further phonetics and
transcription proficiency.