Miles Cole is known as the kid who survived the "Cole family tragedy," which involved the death of his mother and baby sister, and whose father suffered an emotional breakdown that left him mentally disabled for the remainder of his life. He will soon learn that there is more to his story. He is not the biological offspring of Henry and Mary Cole. He is the heir to a bloodline that began in 1622, fathered by an entity known as The Bishop, who served for centuries as the Devil's emissary to humankind.
Miles' fate is yet to be decided. Will he seize upon the power of darkness to take control of his life, or will he reject the legacy of his fathers?
Arthur Book's Beauty Atrophies is an epic poem about a world ruled by darkness that consumes villains and heroes alike. It is a tragedy once set in motion will be impossible to stop. Is Miles Cole the one prophesized 400 years ago? Is he the beast who will bring the end of days? Does he control his fate or has his story already been written?