By Dr. V. Nagaraj

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Steganography is the art of hiding and transmitting data through apparently

innocuous carriers in an effort to conceal the existence of the secret data. The Least

Significant Bit (LSB) steganography that replaces the least significant bits of the

host medium is a widely used technique with low computational complexity and

high insertion capacity. Although it has good perceptual transparency, it is

vulnerable to steganalysis which is based on statistical analysis. Many other

steganography algorithms have been developed such as Discrete Cosine Transform

(DCT), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Spread Spectrum Embedding. But

the insertion capacities for all the above methods were not satisfied. Therefore,

developing new steganography algorithms against statistical analysis seems to be the

prime requirement in steganography. The LSB insertion method is the most

common and easiest method for embedding messages in an image with high

capacity. However, it is detectable by statistical analysis such as RS and

Chisquare analysis. Hence, researchers are still in look out for steganography

techniques with enhanced insertion capacity of secret data along with greater

security and which can resist attacks. In this work, in order to enhance the embedding capacity of secret data

four techniques for secret communication have been proposed. They are

classified into two categories. In first category, cryptography is used along with

steganography to enhance the security, while in second category only steganography

is used. In the first category, two improved LSB substitution techniques have been

proposed. The first technique is known as Zigzag Modulo Substitution Method in

which embedding locations are Sequence based. The second technique is known as

Random Modulo Substitution Method using Random Technique in LSB

Steganography and user key based LSB substitution steganography for RGB images

where in, RSA algorithm is used for encryption. The techniques under the first

category are exclusively LSB array based. The first LSB array based technique embeds message bits into LSB arrays of cover image by using zigzag scanning. On

the other hand the Random Modulo Substitution Method embeds secret data into the

different locations of cover image by using pseudo random index generator.

Moreover, both these LSB array based techniques use RSA algorithm to enhance

security. Histogram and Statistical analysis performed on the stego image proved

that the proposed techniques can effectively resist steganalysis. Comparison of the

statistical parameters like Root Mean Square (RMS), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio

(PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Matrix (SSIM) for the proposed techniques

with cover image and stego image was carried out and analyzed. The Second category includes pixel value modification method and pixel

value differencing method in which the embedding decision for a target pixel is

taken by random technique. Data hiding by using pixel value modification with

modulus function in color images guarantees that no pixel value will exceed the

range 0 to 255 in stego image. In the existing PVD embedding methods, only one

secret digit was embedded for two consecutive pixels, but the proposed method

embeds one secret digit in only one pixel. Proposed method on color images gives

more capacity and security than the PVD methods. It also provides better visual

quality of stego image. Moreover, proposed method extracts the hidden secret

message efficiently without using the range tables. In existing steganography algorithms like Pixel Value Differencing (PVD)

methods, the secret data are embedded into the differences of adjacent pixels. This

pair wise modification mechanism in cover image increases the histogram distortion.

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