The Masculine Century, Part

By Michael Antony

The Masculine Century, Part
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What is the origin of left and right in politics? This book is a study of the two opposing ideologies that have shaped the modern age-- Darwinism and Marxism, which battled for power in the Second World War, the Cold War, and the “culture wars” of recent years. Both are ideologies of aggression and violence, and drove forward the colossal mass murder and total war that made the twentieth century the bloodiest in history. Darwinism was the underpinning of dog-eat-dog capitalism, ruthless colonial expansion, and the Nazi doctrines of race war and the extermination of the weak. Marxism preached the eternal division of mankind into oppressor and oppressed, with violent revolution as the only salvation. Despite their total bankruptcy, these ideologies have meshed together in the “centrist” political consensus of the last decades, to give us a laissez-faire Darwinian economy and a neo-Marxist social system. The leftist causes of feminism and high immigration have become the tools of corporate power, the means of holding down wages by flooding labor markets. This led consumption to be fueled by debt, which triggered the recent financial crash. But this fatal rendezvous of Marx and Darwin threatens the future of our civilization even more definitively ....