This casebook, written by a lawyer who has taught the contracts course in a California law school for twenty years, provides a convenient way for a contracts instructor to integrate California law into a general contracts course curriculum. Comprehensive in its scope, this book can be used either as a stand-alone casebook or as a supplement to a principal casebook in a law school contracts course. It compares and contrasts the principles and rules of general contract law with the specific California statutes and case law in the field of contracts. The California appellate courts have long been a major influence on the field of substantive contract law, shaping the field of contracts beyond the state's borders. Primary sources of cases and statutes are tied together with concise, easy to understand explanations of the rules of contract law. Smith combines, in a single source, the leading California cases, specific California statutes, and sample legal forms, producing a valuable resource for practicing lawyers and paralegals as well as law students and paralegal students.